Not even one or two of them?
Oh Vampy, you know you can ask me anything and I can't refuse you.
in an effort to get us all to lighten up and take ourselves and our beliefs a little less seriously, post your internet jokes and funnies here.. one of my personal favorites: .
Not even one or two of them?
Oh Vampy, you know you can ask me anything and I can't refuse you.
would i stand correct if i said that there are more atheists here in percentage then what there was during the initial course of this forum.. im i the only one here that thinks the anti-christ to be coming true?.
Don't worry Jo Jo, our uprising will be non-violent. We only want to control your mind!! bwwaaahhhh hhhaaaaa hhaaaaaa...
when the wtbs says;bethel expansion god's blessing,bethel consolidation god's blessing.. judiciary favorable ruling god's blessing,unfavorable ruling god's blessing.. pray for a court ruling (france/russia).if they win god's bless.if the lose god's it not the same when football/baseball pray for victory.if the win god blessed them,if they lose god bless them.. b.
H40: Your story is even funnier cause you're always so kind and polite! (Note to self: never mess with the bike!)
[click here for a little history...].
mission accomplished!
my wife and i held off the announcement and were able to attend my bil's wedding & reception this past weekend.
SBC: The way that you and your wife have handled this, you are a class act all the way.
After the adrenaline rush of it all has settled and life settles into a bit of a boring normal routine, you may start to feeling the loneliness and missing your old friends and family a bit more. Just ride it through. It'll pass and come around again from time to time, but it always passes again.
A bit of bittersweet now and then, does not mean you've made the wrong choice.
so today was my first sunday meeting that i didn't go with my wife.
as an update she has decided not to move out right now...because she doesn't have anywhere to go.
but she is giving me the silent treatment.
Brother Dan you can't change everything at once, it's too overwhelming for everyone in your family, including you. Stress is best when it comes in little manageable increments. Make one little change at a time. You've stopped going to meetings and you've told your wife the reason why and looked at the uproar that caused. That's enough for now. Just allow time for everyone to adjust to this new reality of you not going to meetings. Try to keep everything else in your life the same for now.
I do agree with six-of-nine about telling your child why you are not going. If he's asking he wants to know. Your wife has already put him in the middle of the war, so by you telling him an easy to understand reason, and allowing him to see it is no big deal, not something too horrible to talk about, you are reassuring him and taking him out of the middle.
All you need to tell him is that daddy used to believe that the kingdom hall was the place to go to learn the truth about God, but I don't believe that any more, so I don't want to go. Mommy still believes it and she wants to keep going, that's why she is so mad at daddy.
edited to add: Your wife is turning on the guilt, anger and emotional manipulation big time. If you give in to her now, you are sending the message that this behaviour works and you will be dooming yourself to a lifetime of her using this type of behaviour to get her way, not just over JW stuff. Her behaviour is very childish, and as any parent knows, you don't give into a tantrum today, if you don't want to put up with a tantrum every day for the next 20 years.
It's good to stand firm, be calm, loving and rational, do your fair share with the house and kids when you're home, but don't bend over backwards to kowtow to her when she is being nasty. That also sends the wrong message, that its OK to act that way and she can expect extra kindness and sensitivity the nastier she is. I'm not saying return tit for tat. I'm just saying don't reward her bad behaviour. The world doesn't work that way, and it won't hurt her to realize that.
any thoughts?
it is the exact same story as jesus only 3000 years earlier.
If belief in him inspires such qualities, then a positive purpose is served whether he is myth or real.
The problem is that it only inspires such qualities in people who already possessed them. The mean assholes who believe in Jesus, were that way before and stay that way after.
what was it like to live in the 1950's 1960's and early 70's as a jehovah witness.when they started to push the 1975 date..
In 1994, when the new light on the generation teaching was printed in the pages of the Watchtower, the CO's were used again to deliver a much stronger message in person (that could later be denied). They were saying from the platforms of the assemblies and Kingdom Halls, "Do not be fooled borthers, this new understanding of the generation DOES NOT mean that Armageddon is any farther away. It is still very, very soon. It is quite possible and even likely that it could come within a year or two of 1994.
At least that's what they were saying in our circuits. Of course, after the 1975 fiasco, they wouldn't dare put any in print. It's also noteworthy that around that time they came out with strong prohibitions against taping and passing around the CO's talks for encouragement, which was a popular custom up until that point.
I was 10 years old in 1973. I remember studying the articles about the 6000 years of man's existence and everyone talking excitedly about it. My father constantly said, "I don't believe you kids will make it to highschool. My brother was scheduled to start in 1975 and I in 1976. After the society came out with their disclaimer, post 1975, my father swallowed it hook line and sinker. It's true the society never SAID the end would come in 1975.
Well, technically, that IS true. But they certainly implied it, whipped up and encouraged the frenzy, and misled millions with their implications. Name one Jehovah's Witness who would have ever got excited about 1975 and left the organization because of it, if the society had not first put that date into their head? You won't be able to do it. It would have never happened without the Society initiating it, therefore, they are responsible.
in an effort to get us all to lighten up and take ourselves and our beliefs a little less seriously, post your internet jokes and funnies here.. one of my personal favorites: .
ps: Please note previous message which is a captioned cat picture.
in an effort to get us all to lighten up and take ourselves and our beliefs a little less seriously, post your internet jokes and funnies here.. one of my personal favorites: .
some of you have read what i wrote on this thread:
here's the final email my wife just sent me 1 minute ago:.
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I really thought Grandma Jones and Hadit's posts were wise advice. It is very premature to get a lawyer. Your wife is emotional right now. That's not a good time to make life decisions. You can't stop her from moving out, but do nothing yourself to initiate or help with the process. Almost no one ever gets back together after a trial separation. Also, consulting a lawyer will do nothing to solve your marriage problems. Lawyers are for divorces and you don't want that. They only make the process more adversarial. There is time enough to consult a lawyer about joint custody, if and when you're wife moves out. It would be better to work out that agreement with her though, IF it comes to that. It will save you a fortune.
Your own strategy of being a good husband and father and telling your wife you love her and your family is your only hope to save your marriage right now. Oh, and what Hadit said: Stop talking about religion with her! It's not going to help. Calm is contagious. You be calm and rational, and she might just settle down and become rational also.
Listen to Grandma!!